Editorial Guidelines
Policy Guidelines for Editorial Content
The editorial content goal for Fremont Business Now is to be succinct and business focused.
Articles are accepted from Fremont Chamber members and should not exceed 500 words. Any article that exceeds 500 words is subject to editing by the editorial staff or may be presented as a two-part series.
Articles and headlines may be edited for content, style and language. Subheadings may be added for clarification.
While members are encouraged to write about their expertise, articles may not advertise, promote or solicit for the submitting company. Specific company names are not to be used in the content of the article unless it is deemed material and necessary by the Editor.
We encourage the submission of pictures of the article author or those that enhance the article. Pictures will be printed depending upon space or at the discretion of the Editor.
Sources cited within the article should be clearly noted when appropriate either via footnote or explanation within the article.
Acceptance of an article does not guarantee its printing.
All editorial content is printed at the discretion of the Editor. All decisions of the Editor are considered final.
Articles from members or other outside sources will be labeled to indicate the source of the information and the author’s credentials. An article printed from outside sources does not constitute an endorsement of the product or information.
Advertising Policy
Advertising is accepted from outside sources and will be billed at current advertising rates.
The printing of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement of a product or information.
The Fremont Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to refuse an advertisement deemed unsuitable for the publication.
Corrections and Clarifications
We are committed to quickly correcting any factual errors or errors in interpretation. Editorial staff members will address any errors brought to their attention and make an appropriate correction as soon as possible. This includes misspellings as well as factual or information errors identified in archival articles after they have been published. The goal is to correct all content so no errors remain in our permanent archive. We also will provide clarifications in cases where, in our judgment, the wording or the headline on an article may lead to misinterpretation.